Endless Joy School
Endless Joy has been providing educational tutoring services in Bago for five years. Their tutoring centers have provided English, math, computer, music and robotics tutoring and grown to serve over 500 students at any one time. Their interaction has ranged from tutoring provincial government officials to the impoverished children in their communities whose parents do not have the ability to pay tuition.
One of the ultimate objectives of Endless Joy is to grow from providing tutoring services to establish a school. Because of the success that Endless Joy has had compared to the general failures of the Myanmar educational system, both parents and educational officials from Bago Region have been pressing Daniel for several years to open a private school. Endless Joy plans to respond to this opportunity by providing quality, accredited education in Bago.
Despite the challenges presented by Covid, Endless Joy is ready to open phase one of the school one year ahead of the original target date for opening. Endless Joy teachers have completed government required training and are now licensed so that phase one, a Pre-School and Kindergarten, can open for the 2020-21 academic year as soon as Myanmar’s Covid containment policies will allow.
The biggest challenge for Endless Joy at this stage is finding a permanent (not rented) home for the school one year ahead of the original schedule. Endless Joy has been in conversations with various property owners. The building that EJ wishes to buy is just 3 blocks from their downtown tutoring center; has 3,600 square feet of useable space on two floors; and sits on a large property allowing for growth in the future.